Utah Royal Kids

Join us in making moments matter for foster children.

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2025 Royal Family KIDS Camp July 30th-August 3

Camp volunteers start camp setup July 29 at 4:00pm

Royal Family KIDS -Volunteers


Creating positive, life-changing moments for innocent children who have been victims of neglect, abuse, and abandonment.


To establish, in all of Utah’s counties, a Royal Family KIDS Camp to serve children in foster care that are ages 7-11 .


Foster children are victims of abuse and neglect. At camp these children are surrounded by a loving and well-trained volunteer staff, which demonstrates through their words and actions, that children matter and that they are loved.

Our Chapter Origin Story


Utah Royal Kids held its first camp in 2003 and has continually grown in the ensuing years. We admit 40 – 50 campers each year. The participation of the broader Christian community is essential to the success of each camp. We have trained hundreds of volunteers from 36 different churches over the past years. Each staff member volunteers his or her time and energy to provide the best experience possible for each camper.

When a kid goes to a Royal Family KIDS Camp, they receive the attention and encouragement of an adult camp counselor and his/her “buddy camper”. In addition, each camper is also exposed to a variety of fun activities, designed for their success and to build self-esteem. For most of these children, it’s the best week of the year – a special time when they can focus on having fun and enjoy being a kid.

Letters From Our Campers


— Camper

— Camper


— Camper

From Child Caregivers

  • The impact of seeing how others care about them and are willing to help them succeed in life is priceless! The gift of God’s word being planted in their hearts and minds is life changing! They love seeing success stories from people who grew up in foster/adoptive settings. We love this program!

    Caregiver 1

  • It helped having something special just for them. They felt special and important. They taught us some songs and how to do some of the crafts. It was such a blessing to have a little time for one-on-one with our Bio kids. How can we make Royal Family KIDS Camp better? No idea. It was incredible!!!

    Caregiver 2

  • She hasn't worn anything other than her camp shirts since she got home. It helped with giving her the things we wouldn't have been able to do otherwise.

    Caregiver 3

YOU Have Helped Make A Difference in Utah Since 2003:



Utah's foster kids served to date


Years helping Utah's foster kids


Number of congregations involved


Volunteer Hours last year

Past and Present Donors

We are associated with:


Same Heart, New Name, Bigger Impact.

We are now For The Children and here’s why.

For 30 years, volunteers, churches, businesses, local municipal partners and Royal Family Kids staff have dedicated their time, talent and treasures to help transform the lives of vulnerable children across the US, and world.

While RFK has formally overseen our camps and mentoring programs, the breadth of our work has evolved far beyond these two programs. Today we provide direct trauma intervention, advocacy, fostering, adoption, support to parents, and other crucial wraparound services.

While we acknowledge the expansion of our work across our 252 chapters, COVID-19 has profoundly increased the needs of children and families. Extreme gaps in fulfilling these needs cannot be overstated.

In order to address the systemic issues surrounding child welfare today, our organization must respond.

Consequently, as of November 2020, Royal Family KIDS, will officially be renamed For The Children. This transition will bring clarity to new opportunities, from providing laptops and shoes to needy children, to assisting overburdened social workers, to providing temporary shelter.

The teaching and example of Jesus in caring for “the least of these” will remain our motivation. As For The Children, we are also eager to focus on the systemic issues facing children, around the globe.